Saturday, April 10, 2010

No Plans For Today

Here's the latest show I am curating-I'm including my own work in this one with lots of great artists who embrace an open-ended way of working.

Some of the artists included so far are:

Franklin Evans

Lauren Luloff

Brion Nuda Rosch

Joseph Hart

Ky Anderson

Shaun Krupa

Vicki Sher

Daniel Wiener

Elisa Lendvay

Here's an initial statement for the show's theme:

“ I don’t even think it’s been a conscious choice of mine. I’ve only known one way to work and it’s been to follow, you know…my mind goes with the wind and where it goes I follow…”

David Scher

“I love studio practice”

Dona Nelson

I made a simple drawing of a houseplant with the words No Plans For Today at the bottom. It got a lot of attention from studio visitors. I think the words resonated in a way that was both communal and personal. When given the opportunity to show this work and I thought I'd bring together other artists who work this way--open-ended-ly.

Many artists go into the studio with an open end. These artists value their commitment to the studio as a venue for exploration and risk taking. Their avenue toward fresh and original results requires dispensing with a carefully devised plan of action. That is not to say that restrictions and specificity are not in play. Even artists who surrender to accident and surprise still enjoy setting complex limitations and devising systemic parameters. Their joy in the studio, in striking a balance and/or duking-it-out between strategy and reckless abandon is evident in their work.

It is a fitting time to celebrate this mode of working. The economy is down, and no one needs to be locked into thematic production to satisfy the market’s expectations. The instability of an uncertain economy has benefits in the studio. Artists can do what they want -as they should be doing all the time- but sometimes forget when the rigors of deadlines and financial pressure takes freedom away.

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